Luzern. Zuhause? Ein Comic-Statement.
comic Reportage für Stadt Luzern, Fumetto Festival und Hellowelcome, 2021
"The International Day against Racism will take place on 21 March 2023. To mark the occasion, the city of Lucerne has organised the exhibition "Lucerne. At home? A Comic Statement." initiated. Three refugees told their stories to Lucerne artist Alma S. Gobbi at the intercultural meeting place HelloWelcome. Gobbi wove these three stories into a coherent, touching comic. This project has also been created in collaboration with the Fumetto Comic Festival. This year's theme of the festival is "Home Sweet Home". Gobbi's pictures show the importance of home for migrated people with refugee experience. The individual stories of the participants could thus be given a voice, and this visualised in an accessible and creative form."